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TCC Engineering provides operations improvement through project management methodologies, process analysis and design, and integration of process improvement.  We're here to help you through anything and everything. 

TCC Engineering Consultants

We have infinite solutions.

Why TCC?

We understand that time equals money, and lost time is not cost-efficient. With over thirty years of experience in the food industry, and the skills needed to lead a team we can ensure no time is lost.

Our Services

Our Services

Process and Production Improvements

TCC can help your team to improve the process for pre and post-production.

Equipment Optimization

We can help optimize your equipment, and help to exponentially increase the capabilities. 

Vertical Start-up Execution

We at TCC are no stranger to Vertical Start-ups. Let us help you through the beginning stages of your project.

Robotics and Automation

Automation is one of the most important innovations to come to our industry. We have the experience to help you upgrade your systems. 

Plant Construction and Building Design

Getting started is a hard thing to do, but we're here to help. We have the experience and know-how to make sure your plant comes together just how you want it. 

And More

TCC Engineering can do so much more for you and your business. For any inquiries please don't hesitate to contact us!


“George is not only focused on delivering his projects against the stated business goals but also actively accounts for other critical attributes such as human safety and food safety.”

Lars Pekay
Sr. Director of Food Safety & Quality at Welch's 

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